Article Link to Read: 824-8022/Danyetta_Magana.aspx
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About Crisis Journal: Now in its 17th year, Crisis Response Journal, along with its associated channels, is the global information resource that covers all aspects of human-induced disasters or natural hazards, spanning response, disaster risk reduction, resilience, business continuity and security.
The aim is to bring agencies, disciplines and nations – as well as the private and public sectors – together in order to increase the understanding of their different roles and perspectives, thereby improving a unified response to large scale crises, or averting crises in the first place through effective disaster risk reduction.
We cover a range of threats, from CBRN and cybercrime to conventional terrorism, from pandemic protection and preparedness to flooding, from fires and chemical incidents, to large scale natural emergencies such as earthquakes, from environmental degradation to climate issues, from critical infrastructure protection to business and national continuity, security, resilience and sustainability.